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De Nederlandsche Bank | 44,466 followers on LinkedIn. DNB is committed to safeguarding financial stability and sustainable prosperity in the Netherlands, based on our role as an independent central bank, supervisory authority and resolution authority. Our core values are: committed, open, dependable and alert. We work based on these values together with our European partners on price stability
Bij de Nederlandsche Bank werken we continu om de welvaart van miljoenen Nederlanders te beschermen. Make a difference at the heart of our economy Looking for a work placement or just graduated? De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) could be your next step. Work with us on confidence and financial stability. For example, by supervising financial institutions, so people can continue to safely borrow and save money.
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DNB is responsible for ensuring a secure and reliable payment system and supervising financial institutions in the Caribbean Netherlands. Read more De Nederlandsche Bank NV (DNB) is the central bank of the Netherlands.Founded by King William I in 1814, it is part of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). De Nederlandsche Bank is a public limited company (Dutch: naamloze vennootschap, abbreviated NV) whose every day policy is overseen by the Governing Board. De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) is the central Bank of the Netherlands. As a national central bank, we are member of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Stable prices, smooth and safe payments and robust and reliable financial institutions are essential preconditions for a healthy economy and prosperity.
Find 88 researchers and browse 1 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to De Nederlandsche Bank | Amsterdam, Netherlands | DNB
The interest rate is the most important instrument to influence price stability. The ECB's Governing Council decides on the interest rate. Chairman Christine Lagarde, the other members of the ECB's Executive Board and the central bank governors of the euro area, including DNB's Klaas Knot.
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At De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) we work on trust. After all, you want to be able to trust financial institutions such as your bank or insurance firm. They deserve our trust if they are well-managed and in good financial health. It means you all rest assured your savings are safe and your insurance claims are paid out.
0 faves. 0 comments. Taken on October 3, 2008 We and our partners process personal data such as IP Address, Marc PRÖPPER | Cited by 93 | of De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam (DNB) | Read 4 publications | Contact Marc PRÖPPER De Nederlandsche Bank Salaries trends. 45 salaries for 31 jobs at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam, Netherlands Area. Salaries posted anonymously by De Nederlandsche Bank employees in Amsterdam, Netherlands Area.